Powerful Yoga For Weight Loss: 5 Powerful Postures to Get Back in Shape
Fed up with trying various tricks to lose weight? Does your weight become a fun topic for others? Tried everything to lose your inches? Worry not! We understand your pain and that is why recommend doing powerful yoga for weight loss.
Are you ready? Make the following listed 5 powerful postures a part of your daily routine and get back in shape.
Important: If you have any kind of health issues, be it related to breathing or injury, you are advised to learn and practice yoga postures under the supervision of a certified yoga instructor.
Powerful Postures of Yoga For Weight Loss
Sun Salutations
This is the most recommended posture of yoga for beginners who want to bid adieu to their body fat. This can help in increasing your intensity, burning fat, as well as increasing metabolism. However, make sure you are doing sun salutation for weight loss practice in a flowing sequence. For those who want weight loss, Surya Namaskar is the ideal option.
Plank Pose
Plank pose is another popular posture that helps you to have weight loss and strengthen your core. There are immense benefits of doing the plank pose. Regular practice of this asana tones your arms and strengthens your biceps.
Warrior Pose
It is no wonder that the warrior pose strengthens your arms, shoulders, legs, back, and ankles. Making the practice of warrior pose on a regular basis will improve your balance, stability, and focus. Your entire body will be energized by doing the warrior pose. It is extremely beneficial for those having frozen shoulders.
Bonus tip: While practising the Warrior pose, you are advised to opt for ujjayi breath. Doing so will give you strength for maintaining the posture for a long time.
Chair Pose
This posture helps in increasing the metabolism rate of your body, resulting in weight loss. Apart from that, the Chair pose tones legs, knees, and thighs. The more you practice this posture, the higher the metabolic rate you gain. The higher the metabolic rate your gain, the more weight you lose.
Holding this posture for a long time can stimulate the metabolic and circulatory system of your body as well as increase the heart rate.
Also read: Detailed Syllabus For 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training
Triangle Pose
If waist and belly fat is your big pain in terms of losing weight, then the Triangle Pose can help you. The posture not only improves digestion but also reduces the hard-to-cut waist and belly fat. Apart from reducing fat, Triangle yoga can help you improve balance and concentration, and give a nudge to your weight loss journey.
Key Points You Need to Consider For Achieving the Best Results
The addition of some rules can bring you the best results when it comes to loose weight. You are advised to:
- Daily practice yoga for effective results.
- Develop good and nutritious eating habits.
- Have a walk, especially after a night meal.
The more you hold a pose, the better the outcome you achieve!
It is important to understand that there is no magic trick when it comes to quickly lose weight. The best way is to make a proper routine not only for yoga but also for your eating habits.
Read more: Everything to Know About Yoga Alliance Certification
However, before you know about the yoga asanas that can help you lose weight, let us take a look at how exactly yoga helps you lose those extra pounds.
Yoga & Mindfulness
You might not realize but the daily practice of yoga under the guidance of a yoga guru helps develop mindfulness. It is not just about staying physically fit but also increasing your awareness on more levels than one. For example; yoga makes you aware of what foods to consume and how it impacts your overall mood and health.
Numerous studies have shown how daily yoga practice makes you mindful of unhealthy foods and resist eating in stressful situations. It also brings you more in tune with yourself especially when you are full.
The mindfulness you develop also helps you fight impulse and stress-based consumption of food and drink. Moreover, since you practice yoga on an empty stomach, it also helps you make healthy food choices before and after the yoga session.
Yoga & Deep Sleep
Do you know that sleep has a deep connection with weight loss and gain? Yes! Lack of quality sleep is more likely to make you choose binge eating. However, yoga improves the quality of your sleep.
Studies have shown how daily yoga practice helps you lose weight. Add to that, you can practice Yoga Nidra that offers the best form of lying down meditation. This practice helps you sleep peacefully at night which develops mindfulness. With time, you are not just sleeping peacefully but also making better food choices.
Yoga & Calories
Although yoga is not considered an aerobic exercise, there are some yoga styles that offer your body a good workout. For example, there are Ashtanga and Vinyasa yoga styles that help you burn extra calories.
At the same time, you can also enrol in a Power yoga class that is mostly available with yoga studios providing Hot yoga classes. This style of yoga keeps your body moving and burn the extra fat. In the long run, practising these yoga styles can also help you develop muscles and improve your body’s metabolism rate.
In other words, if you want to lose weight without too much hassle; yoga has a style for that.
Wrap Up
Making yoga a part of your life will not only help you drop your fat but also give you the strength to overcome stress, resulting in feeling fresh, relaxed, and focused.
Can’t make it on your own? Join the powerful yoga for weight loss program at Svadhyaya Kosha, the best school for yoga in Rishikesh, to bring your confidence back with a healthy and smart physique by practising various poses under the guidance of expert yoga instructors.
Q1) How can you lose weight with yoga?
You can lose weight with the assistance of yoga by practising different asanas and pranayamas.
Q2) Which Yoga is best for weight loss?
Some of the asanas of yoga that are best for weight loss are Chaturangadandasana, Virabhadrasana, Trikonasana, and Adho Mukha Svanasana.
Q3) Is yoga better than the gym?
Both yoga and fitness have their own advantages. There is no way of saying that one works better than the other one for weight loss.